Wild Flowers and Plants of North Carolina


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Joan Heflin Rankin Studio

NCNatural's Flower and Plant Features:

Spring Wildflowers In The Southern Appalachians-
This will tell you what to expect of spring in the southern mountains.

Bloom times for flowering plants in the southern Appalachians

Coastal Flowers - Some of the best of the beach flowers.

Obnoxious Plants - Poison Ivy & Nettles

List of endangered North Carolina plants -
All of our native wildflowers are best left to be enjoyed in their natural state. Many of the native wildflowers will only grow in very specific environmental conditions necessitating preservation of these conditions. Please review the amazingly long list of endangered and threatened North Carolina vascular plants.

Standing Giants of Cataloochie -
This is an article from the archives of the Waynesville Mountaineer newspaper and NCNatural about the giant old-growth trees of the Cataloochie area of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. We're happy to say that the trees are still there. Go check 'em out.

Field Guides and Gardening books -
On-line ordering available for the best resources in print from

William Bartram -
Our profile of the first American-born Botanist/Naturalist.


Glass Feather Gifts

NC Wildflower & Plant Resources Home Gardening Resources

Roadside Guide to NC Wildflowers

Wildflowers on North Carolina Roadsides

Poisonous Plants and Mushrooms of NC

Public Gardens of NC
Extensive Statewide listing with addresses and phones.

NC Extension Home Gardening and Horticulture in NC homepage
Large database of all things horticultural for NC.

NCSU Dept. of Entomology Insect Notes
Includes info for Ornamentals and Turf, Structural and Community Pests, Fruit Pests, Vegetable Pests, Beekeeping, Small Grains, 4-H Entomology, Field Crops (corn, soybeans), and lots of other interesting notes.

Photo Gallery of Insects and Mites on Ornamental Plants
No thumbnails, but useful if you want to know what a potential garden pest looks like.

Insect Compendium
Excellent source of info on insects.

© 1995-2003 NCNatural, Last updated 01/04/2011 14:38:36