Skyline Drive to
Mile 10+
Shenandoah National Park to near Raven's Roost
Mile 10+ to Mile 50+
Raven's Roost to Robinson Gap
Mile 50 to Mile 80+ Robinson Gap to Black Rock Hill
Mile 80+ to Mile 110+
Black Rock Hill to Roanoke
Mile 110+ to Mile 160+
Stewarts' Knob to Va. Hwy 860
Mile 160+ to Mile 190+
Va. Hwy 615 to Puckett Cabin
Mile 190+ to Mile 220+
Va. Hwy 608 to Fox Hunters' Paradise
Mile 220+ to Mile 270+
NC Hwy 1460 to Phillips Gap
Mile 270+ to Mile 300+
E. B. Jeffress Park to Julian Price Memorial Park
Mile 300+ to Mile 320+
Linn Cove Viaduct to Chestoa View
Mile 320+ to Mile 340+
Chestoa View to Crab Tree Meadows
Mile 340+ to Mile 380+
Big Laurel Gap to Craven Gap
Mile 380+ to Mile 410+
Folk Art Center to Mt. Pisgah
Mile 410+ to End
U.S. 276 to Great Smoky Mtns.
Heintoga Spur