Blue Ridge Parkway
Blue Ridge Parkway Travel Guide


Choose a section and begin your Blue Ridge Parkway tour, but be advised - this website is not an adequate substitute for actually going there.

Travel Guide Sections:
NCNatural Resources
Parkway History
Parkway History
As early as 1909 a visionary project had been planned and the actual survey work begun for a pleasure road along the summit of the Blue Ridge. The Parkway's history is an incredible story of vision, dedication, and hard-work. The history section will continue to grow as we add features about the Parkway's past, and the men and women who shaped it.
Parkway Trails

Parkway Hiking Trails Reference
The Parkway is actually a part of the National Park system. But it also passes through many National Forests and State Parks which offer some pretty incredible hiking opportunities for the adventurous. We've cross-referenced all the trails which join the parkway and have come up with a few recommendations for the ones we know are extra special.

Parkway Camping
We also have a camping reference on the trails pages.

Mile by Mile Travelogue Mile by Mile Parkway Travelogue
The Parkway is over 400 miles long from Virginia to North Carolina, and along the way there are many fascinating places. The mile by mile guide lists hundreds of attractions, from overlooks to historical markers, and features pictures and maps to help you along the way.
Special Destinations Special Parkway Destinations
All along the Parkway there are many special places with incredible scenic beauty and historical significance. We continue to develop special feature pages about these places and you'll find them all in this section. For an in-depth look at some of the Parkway's special places you've come to the right place.
Photo Gallery The Photo Gallery
Now showing in the Photo Gallery are images from the National Park Services' Blue Ridge Parkway Archive. We've gathered some of the most impressive images from the collection for this section. Others are scattered around the site.
Parkway Links Parkway Links
There are some other special internet resources related to the Parkway, we've collected them all in this section for your browsing convenience.


Other Important Info
Be sure to check Current Parkway Closures
(the Parkway occassionally has segments closed for construction or weather related problems at high elevations. It is otherwise open year-round.)

Holiday Inn - BRP
  • NCNatural Selections
    NCNatural Selections provides on-line ordering of all sorts of North Carolina reference books. Be sure to see the special section on Blue Ridge Parkway books.

  • North Carolina Weather -
    More than just the forcast. We've got links to maritime conditions, surf reports, river levels and a lot more.

  • Event Calendars -
    OK, you know where you want to go, but what are you going to do when you get there?

  • Adventure Resources-
    Check out the info for more great NC Adventure destinations.

  • Travel Resources-
    We've got a lot of resources for helping you plan your next NC getaway, whether it's to the beach, the mountains or anywhere in-between.
Other NCNatural Major Sections (with Parkway emphasis):
  • Wildflowers of North Carolina -
    Profiles of many of the showiest of NC's flowering plants. Use the Bloom Calendar to plan your Parkway
    flower watching.

  • Spring in the Appalachians
    NCNatural's Wildflower's of North Carolina is a labor of love for our art director and webmaster Tim Treadwell and his wife Danielle. For years they've walked in the wild cataloging the extraordinary variety and awesome beauty of the regions botanical wonders. They have a special section just for spring flowers - for which the Parkway is noteable.

  • Autumn in the Appalachians
    Check out these pages often during the fall leaf season. We have updates on peak colors, as well as some handy fall color references based on the fine books and videos published by Laurel Hill Press.

  • North Carolina's National Forests -
    Our guide to the best areas for outdoor recreation in the National Forests- the Pisgah, Nantahala, Uwharrie and Croatan National Forests.

  • Guide to the Linville Gorge Wilderness Area.
    Just off the Parkway is one of the wildest spots in the east! The guide includes information about the gorge, a photo gallery, as well as camping and trail information.

  • Hawk and Butterfly Migrations
    Other creatures enjoy the Parkway's route also and the autumn season provides some fine wildlife viewing.

© 1995-2003 NCNatural, Last updated 01/04/2011 14:31:24
Park information , some pictures, and other stuff courtesy of Uncle Sam ( The BRP and the Park Service )